2.2. Weather effects


„Protection of the body
The clothing of the pilot has to account the extreme conditions during the flying and battle its main opponent: the coldness. Therefor neither the time of the year nor the temperature on the ground can be relevant, but the estimated height, the special metrological conditions and the speed of the plane. We have to remember that a decent in temperature of 6 degree per 1000 meters is not uncommon.
[…] The following measures have proven their worth:
The hands are covered with water free frost protection cream for pilots that can be ordered via the official medical channel. The addition of germicidal or other therapeutically products are not necessary for the frost protection cream, only the ointment for the treatment of frost damage. The greased hands are covered with thin gloves of wool or silk, they should be too tight, than they are covered with leather gloves lined with fur or fleece that can also have the form of mittens or three fingered gloves, the three fingered gloves of the Continental Company have also proven their worth.
The Face is covered in the same way, as it has been described concerning the hands; than the head is covered with a head-hose made from wool or silk, equipped with holes for eyes, nostrils and mouth, or a woolen hood. Than the head is covered with the – also available as special clothing – leather face mask lined with silk, that is as well equipped with openings for the eyes.
The metal-sieve-mouth-protector that some pilots found uncomfortable and according to the experience of some pilots can freeze over, is attached simply by press buttons and can be removed by hand with ease. Above the facemask that can be substituted by a linen mask with quintuple newspaper filling, since recently a pair of goggles with nose and cheek protectors – also available as special clothing – is attached. Experience had shown that when the facemask is properly worn the googles don’t steam up, when they are attached during the start.

Source: Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv- Freiburg RM 3/8970 Reichsmarineamt, Dienstvorschrift, Einflüsse des Fliegens auf den menschlichen Körper und medizinische Ratschläge für Flieger, Januar 1918


                                                 2. A medical approach on the conditions of flight
Compiled by Achim Messer.

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