Description and Interpretation of Paintings in Teamwork

3. Tasks

Another Worksheet is needed to explain the upcoming tasks (Worksheet No. 3) .

This worksheet contains several tasks such as the description and interpretation of the painting. There is also a some advice for this.29 After that the students shall read the information relating to the corresponding artist to get an overview of him. When that is done all of the students who are in the same group should compare their results and create a short presentation from them. It should not require longer than five minutes and two or three persons should present it. The content of the presentation should be a short description and interpretation of the painting as well as a short characterization of the artist.

The next worksheet (Worksheet No. 4) serves as a summary. The main results of the three groups can be registered as headings. At this point teacher and students are working together. The teacher asks the groups consecutively what the most important results are and they write it down together. The teacher can use an overhead projector or a digital projector for this summary.

The goal of this creative work is that the students acquire a more open attitude towards the topic. The history lessons should become more exciting for them. The students can get first hand impressions about the conflicts between disabled war veterans and society as well as find out more about the situation of the invalids. The creation of a presentation requires the summation of the most important facts and the presentation presumes to give a logical overview of them. Due to the summery in the end the students learn to define the relevance of the facts.

29Kühberger, Christoph/ Windischbauer, Elfriede: Individualisierung und Differenzierung im Geschichtsunterricht. Offenes Lernen in Theorie und Praxis. Schwalbach 2012. p. 92-93.

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