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Organisation chart of the second lesson

School: Secondary School

Subject: History

Lessons: 2 = 90 minutes

Class: 8/9

Topic of the lesson: From Heroes to Cripples - The change of the public perception of the soldiers in World War I.

Educational objective: The students get to know the effects of World War I on the soldiers and can lead it back to the mechanisation of the war.

First lesson (45 minutes): The students get to know the effects of World War I on the soldiers and can name them.

Second lesson (45 minutes): The students can lead the effects of World War I back to the mechanisation.

Prior learning: The students already got an overview of World War I. In addition to this they got to know the effects of World War I on the soldiers and can name them.

Time (total)

Lesson phases

Action of the teacher

Action of the students

Educational objective

Method/ media/ materials

2 (2)


- Greeting

Students listen

The teacher get to quiet the students

8 (10)

Review and introduction of the topic of the lesson

- Invites the students to give thought to the overhead transparency.

- Asks for the last lesson's topic, collects the homework to correct it in a post-processing.

- Makes a collection of generic terms on the blackboard and hands out the copied transparencies from the last lesson

- Asks the students why there were so many crippled soldiers

The students join in the review and they are non-stop active in participation

The students get the same level of knowledge.

Through the floated question the students should be motivated for participation.

overhead transparency 2

blackboard 2

15 (25)


- Hands out the worksheet, presents the exercises and answers questions to the exercises

- Controlling of the learning of the students

The students obey the instructions and work on the worksheet

Through discrete working on the exercises the students get to know the mechanisation which took place in World War I. Now the students may give reasons for the mechanisation and know examples for it.

Worksheet 4 (WS4)

8 (33)

Discussion of the results

- Guides the discussion from the students about the exercises

The students work active and give answers to the questions of the teacher

The students internalise the learnings and practise a discussion in a plenum.

WS4 response template

10 (43)

Save the results

- The teacher summarise the findings in a chart on the blackboard

The students copy the chart concentrated

Through the writing the students internalise the learnings once more and they can look-up the results of the lesson later on.

blackboard 3

2 (45)

Ending of the lesson

- The teacher ends the lesson and can give an outlook for the next

Official ending of the lesson.


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