The Soldier at the Western Front – The Use of Dum-Dum-Projectiles
Source 3: Postal card: Greetings from Germany
The postal Card “Gruss aus Deutschland” (trans.: Greetings from Germany) circulated in different versions and was quite common. The “Greeting” was a 42cm grenade fired from a canon made by Krupp in Essen. The appending rime that illustrated the use of “Bum Bum grenades” as an appropriate answer to the use of Dum Dum Bullets on the French and English side in breach of international law.
„Wir schießen nicht Dum Dum, | Wir machen nur Bum Bum, | Indeß von dem Gebrumm, | Fiel schon Verschied'nes um.“
Trans.: We don’t shoot Dum Dum, | We only make Bum Bum, | But due to the hum, | Already different things fell over

Postal card: Gruss aus Deutschland (1915)

Postal card: Ein Deutscher Gruss aus Essen (1915)