The Soldier at the Western Front – The Use of Flamethrower
Source 4: Bernhard Reddemann: History of the German Flamethrower troop
In the following excerpt from his notes – the “History of the German flamethrower troop” –Reddemann described the first attack with flamethrowers by the Germans on the 26th February 1915 at Malancourt near Verdun. “It was an immediately success when at the designated moment twelve streams of flames roar with loud hissing behind the enemies parapet. Loud screams of pain among the enemies on the other side. Who wasn’t set on fire jumps backwards and out of the trench. Headless they run across country without cover. There is no time to retreat through the connecting trenches. Just away, away from the horrible flames! They leave all behind, even their rifles! Unconcerned about the fire from the machine guns of our infantry they run across the open field. This is by far not so bad as the cruel death by burning […] The prisoners had all been completely confused. An officer among them said: ‚C’était l’enfer!‘ …’This was Hell!’ … after this excellent attack the flamethrowers received a lot of appreciation from all sides.” Bernhard Reddemann: Geschichte der deutschen Flammenwerfer-Truppe, Berlin 1933, p. 13.