The Soldier at the Western Front – The Use of Flamethrower
Source 3: Flamethrower in the "Combatant Ouevre“
(trans.: The World War in its Harsh Reality „The Combatant Ouevre“ 600 Original Photographs from the War Department for Movies and Photographs and from the War Photographer Hermann Rex, Munich 1926.)

“Major attack on the whole frontline near Lens in September 1917 under the cover of darting flames and tremendous clouds of smoke generated by flamethrowers.” (p. 139)

“Flamethrowers at the Somme. Under the cover of tremendous clouds of smoke the German troops leave their trenches, to assault.” (p. 176)

„Flamethrowers build a wall through gigantic development of smoke under whose cover the German raiding party can advance unseen. (p. 291)

„The instant of attack. German infantry attacks with hand grenades and flamethrowers the hill “Toter Mann” 15th March 1916.“ (p. 296)

„German infantry advances with prepared hand grenades under the cover of flamethrowers and their tremendous clouds of smoke.” (p. 297)