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Prof. Dr. Reinhold Bauer
The department of the history of the impact of technology deals with processes of the genesis and mechanization of technology. Technology is understood by us as historically shaped and as itself shaping history. We are interested in the natural, social and cultural as well as the economic and political framework conditions and consequences of technical development. We examine these processes from a historical and international comparative perspective.
The Department for the History of the Impact of Technology is located at the Institute of History. Together with the Department of History of Science and Technology, we offer a separate bachelor's and doctoral program History of Science and Technology. An interdisciplinary master's program "Cultures of Knowledge" started in winter semester 2010/11.
Universität Stuttgart
Historisches Institut
Abteilung Wirkungsgeschichte der Technik
Keplerstr. 17 70174 Stuttgart
Tel.: (+49)711 / 685-84351
Consultation hours during the lecture period:
Thursday 2 pm - 3 pm
Find out more on our German Website.

Reinhold Bauer
Univ.-Prof. Dr.Leiter der Abteilung Wirkungsgeschichte der Technik